Coaching in the sports world has helped many athletes achieve their true potential and it is now recognised as a vital and powerful business tool that develops leadership capabilities; resulting in enhanced organisational performance.

Business coaching develops the application of people skills and wisdom to deliver performance improvement through robust support and challenge in a safe environment. The process empowers the business executive to visualise and test out new approaches with a neutral sparring partner.



Enhancing performance by unlocking potential

Coaching sessions use the GROW method to assist with goal setting and problem solving.


Return on investment

Coaching process to business objectives
At the end of the programme there is a quantitative and qualitative assessment.


Leadership development

Guiding people towards a common goal
The programme is designed to build relationships that fosters team work, influences and inspires other people in the team.


Succession development

Executing people development for the future

The process assists the identification of an organisation’s long term goals and provides a platform for continuous improvement.


Team building

Encouraging teams to work well together

Encouraging a better understanding of differing personality traits and facilitates greater interaction and collaboration.


Change management

Supporting the change process

The process encourages the involvement of individuals affected and influence their resulting behaviours.

Coaching in Business Ltd. Registered office: Williams & Co, 8/10 South Street, Epsom KT18 7PF Registered number: 08922523 (England and Wales) | Privacy Policy